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When I was a student studying graphic design I always wanted to work on magazines. Back then, digital didn't exist and beautiful covers and great page layouts were what inspired me. I'm, what I call, a Graphic Design-asaur. I love print!

Working on magazines is a long way away from creating concepts and directing photography. All the elements are provided and the name of the game is smashing it all together in a timely manner to get it to the printers before preparing it all for on-line content. A colleague once said that it's like colouring with numbers!

In order to quench my creative thirst, I've thrown myself into image post-production and found that I really enjoy getting the most out of the images. In the past three years I've learnt a lot about Photoshop and, one of the biggest things I've learnt is, there's still a whole lot more to learn!

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